DDT2 is based on Atmega328PB and DS18B20+ integrated circuits. All functions are implemented in software, therefore not many passive elements are required. It needs only 5V DC to operate.


Relay is connected over SCK (B5). Logical zero means relay ON, so another PNP transistor and pull-up resistor for SCK are needed. Do not forget flyback diode for relay coil.

First DS18B20+ is connected to VCC, its data pin to SDA (C4) and its ground pin to MOSI (B3). Second DS18B20+ is connected to VCC, its data pin to SCL (C5) and its ground pin to MISO (B4).


differential thermostat microprocessor circuit buttons and reset circuit lcd circuit


If you're using USBASP programmer, flash with:

avrdude -c usbasp -p m328pb -B 5 \
  -U flash:w:diyddt2.hex \
  -U eeprom:w:diyddt2.epp

No (additional) fuse bits needed.


Questions? Drop mail to diy@[this domain].